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About Us
Danielle Hilliard Henkes
2020 President
Bexar County Medical Society ALLIANCE
From its inception in 1917,
Bexar County Medical Society Alliance was organized
“to create fellowship among families of physicians and to foster activities in benevolent, philanthropic, charitable, and patriotic endeavors.”
To this day, we continue towards that endeavor.
Throughout the year, our members engage in several projects
to promote healthier lifestyles in our community.
These are our major annual initiatives:
Through Be Wise Immunize, we provide vaccination education & HPV vaccinations to Bexar County children.
Through Hard Hats for Little Heads, we provide hundreds of free bicycle helmets to Bexar County children in order to prevent traumatic brain injury.
BCMS Alliance's Allied Health Scholarships
give thousands of dollars to deserving
Allied Health college students in Bexar County annually.
BCMS Alliance provides social opportunities and support
in all stages of the medical journey, regardless of what point they are in their training or career. Our members range from residency to currently practicing to retirement.
I invite all physician spouses and physicians to join the
BCMS Alliance: The Family of Medicine!
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